rate starting at $150/hr

  • $195/hr - Includes up to 6 finalized high resolution retouched photos delivered within 1-2 weeks of session.

  • $175/hr - Includes up to 12 finalized high resolution retouched photos delivered within 2-3 weeks of session.

  • $150/hr - Includes 18-25 finalized high resolution retouched photos delivered within 2-3 weeks of session.

    (Final photo count determined by photographer after shoot)

Rates are same for events and portrait shoot bookings.

To secure your session, a non-refundable 20% deposit is due at booking.(This payment will be applied to your final total). 

Studio booking fee - an additional $60/hr will be added for sessions requesting a photo studio. All studio offerings are state of the art and include various options to select from.